MasterCPE Online CPA CPE Courses
Check Your State Board CPA Licensing Requirements
State CPA CPE Licensing Requirements
West Virginia CPA CPE
Please note: The CPE Information provided in this section relates to CPAs only.
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Yes. MasterCPE is a NASBA provider. Sponsor number: 112530
Renewal Date:
6/30 annually
Reporting Period:
1/1 to 12/31 over a rolling three-year period
Required Hours:
120 hours, with 20 hours per year
Ethics Required:
4 hours. The Ethics for Accountants course fulfills this requirement.
Subject Rqmts:
Credit Limits:
- The maximum credit for published articles/books is 60 hours per publication.
- The maximum credit for instructors is 60 hours per course per year without repetitions unless there have been substantial changes in material.
- Teachers in any approved programs will receive two additional hours credit for study for each hour taught (totaling three hours for each hour taught) for the first time they teach a course.
- University or college courses; One semester hour credit equals 15 CPE hours; one quarter hour credit equals 10 CPE hours.
- Principles of Accounting does not count for credit for attendance or instruction.
- In order for Self-Study courses to qualify for CPE credit in WV, the program must be approved by NASBA or the AICPA.
- Licensees shall receive 1/2 credit for each hour spent teaching tax courses to VITA volunteers in any three-year rolling period.
Other Policies:
Contact Info:
West Virginia Board of Accountancy
106 Capitol Street
Suite 100
Charleston, WV 25301-2610
Phone: 304-558-3557
Fax: 304-558-1325
Web Address: