Government Auditing – Green Book: 1. The Control Environment

Course Information

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Title: Government Auditing – Green Book: 1. The Control Environment
Category: Accounting and Auditing
Field of Study: Auditing - Government
Course Code: M148
CPE Credits: 4.0
Price: 34.95



The Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, known as the “Green Book,” sets the requirements for an effective internal control system for federal agencies. This course covers the control environment, as discussed within the GAO Green Book. The control environment is the foundation for a system of internal controls, providing the discipline and structure needed to help an entity reach its objectives. It is the control consciousness of an organization that reflects management’s commitment to internal control. Management of any governmental agency should create and maintain a favorable control environment to achieve the organization’s objectives.

Delivery Method: Online Interactive Self Study

Level: Overview

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Course Details

Category: Accounting and Auditing

Field of Study: Auditing - Government

Passing Score: 70%

Technical Details: Government Auditing is a technical field of study.

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  1. Identify the factors that contribute to a sound internal control framework 
  2. Recognize the principles of an effective system of internal control 
  3. Identify effective ways to demonstrate commitment to integrity and ethical values 
  4. Recognize main attributes for the principle of exercising oversight responsibility 
  5. Identify effective ways to establish structure, authority, and responsibility 
  6. Recognize main attributes for the principle of demonstrating a commitment to competency 
  7. Identify effective ways to hold individuals accountable for their internal control responsibilities 

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QAS: Yes

CPA: Suitable for all CPAs

IRS: No IRS credit for Enrolled Agents.

Profession Identifiers: CPA