Accountant’s Guide to Retail Management

Course Information

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Title: Accountant’s Guide to Retail Management
Category: Business Management and Organization
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Technical
Course Code: M269
CPE Credits: 13.0
Price: 84.95



Retailing, the business of selling consumer goods to final consumers, is constantly changing. Retailers are particularly affected by changes in the consumer population; in the economic, social, technological, and political environment; and in competitive conditions. This course teaches you the main requirements of effective retail management: personal qualifications of management; an adequate financial structure; necessary physical facilities; effective policies and procedures; and competence, loyalty, and productiveness of personnel. Also discussed are online retailing strategy, improving Internet presence, and future changes in retailing.

Delivery Method: Online Interactive Self Study

Level: Overview

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Course Details

Category: Business Management and Organization

Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Technical

Passing Score: 70%

Technical Details: Specialized knowledge is a technical subject.

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Chapter 1: Retailers and Their Structure 1. Recognize the importance of retailing to the U.S. economy. 2. Recognize the structure of retailing. 3. Identify advantages and disadvantages of online retailing, and methods to improve an online business.

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QAS: Yes

CPA: Suitable for all CPAs

IRS: No IRS credit for Enrolled Agents.

Profession Identifiers: CPA